Introduction of Resources of our Village

A group of children from Godapitiya illustrates the significant incidents and locations of the village

ගම්මානයේ සම්පත්

ගොඩපිටිය ගම්මානයේ ළමුන් පිරිසක්, ගම්මානයේ වැඳගත් සිථාන සහ සිද්ධීන් උපුට දක්වයි

கொடபிடியவில் இருந்து வந்த குழந்தைகள் குழு கிராமத்தின் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க சம்பவங்களையும் இடங்களையும் விளக்குகிறது

Introduction of Resources of our Village
Although our village is small, it is a beautiful village having natural resources abundantly. Here rubber, coconut, tea and paddy are cultivated in small scale. The paddy fields of this area are mainly depend on rain. The people of this village are engaged in the paddy field work. People from an area called ‘Oorwela’ with our villagers have settled in this area to work in the rubber and tea plantations. Though this village had no many facilities, now while having many facilities, this village has become a place where the Buddhists and Muslims live together. However, the Hindu people have been living in a village based a Temple called ‘Oorwela’, a hilly area.
ගම්මානයේ සම්පත්
අපේ ගම ඉතා කුඩා ගම්මානයක් නමුත් ස්වභාව සුන්දරත්වපයන් පිරුණු තැනක්. පත්, රබර්, ප ොල් සහ වී අපේ ගපම් සුළු වශපයන් වගා කරනු ලබනවා. වී වගාව රදා වතින්පන් වර්ෂාව මතයි. අපේ ගපම් හුගක් පදපනක් කරන්පන් පගොවිතැන්. ඌරපවල කියන ගපම් පිරිසක් අපේ ගපම් නැවතිලා රබර් සහ පත් වගා කටයුතු දීල ඉන්නවා. අපේ ගපම් සිංහල, මුස්ලිම් පකොටස් පගොඩක් සහපයෝගපයන් ජීවත් පවනවා. නමුත් හින්දු කට්ටිය ජීවත් පවන්පන් ඌරපවල කදු ේ රපේශපේ පවනමම.

எமது ஊர் சிறிய கிராமமாக இருந்தாலும் இயற்கைவளங்கள் நிரம்பிய அழகான பிரதேசமாகும். இங்கு இறப்பர், தென்னை,தேயிலை,நெற்பயிர்செய்கை,என்பன சிறிதளவில் பயிரிடப்படுகின்றன. இங்குள்ள வயல் நிலங்கள் மழைநீரை பிரதானமாக கொண்டது. வயல் வெளிகளில் ஊர் மக்களே வேலையிலீடுபடுகின்றனர். இறப்பர், தேயிலை பயிர்ச்செய்கைகளில் ஊர்வெல எனும் பிரதேச மக்கள் உட்பட எமது ஊர் மக்களும் வேலைக்காக வந்து குடியேறியுள்ளனர். ஆரம்ப காலங்களில் மிகவும் வசதி குன்றியிருந்தாலும் தற்போது பல வசதிகளையும் கொண்டு பௌத்த,முஸ்லீம் மக்கள் இணைந்து வாழும் பிரதேசமாக விளங்குகின்றது. ஆயினும் இந்து மக்கள் தேயிலையை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்டு ஊர்வெல எனும் மலைப்பாங்கான பிரதேசத்தில் வசித்து வருகின்றனர்



Community Memorialization Project
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Colombo 05

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